Server History
Last 30 days
Server Time streamed
The 90s RP (GTA) 1hr 39mins
All Time
Server First Online Last Online Time streamed
Liquid RP (GTA) 11 Oct 2023 17 Apr 2024 252hrs 15mins
The 90s RP (GTA) 7 Aug 2023 14 Sep 2024 196hrs 38mins
That 70s Roleplay (GTA) 25 Jul 2023 7 Aug 2023 18hrs 53mins
Rush Hour RP (GTA) 10 Apr 2023 22 Jul 2023 5hrs 32mins
Revival RP (GTA) 24 Apr 2022 27 Apr 2022 1hr 36mins
Prodigy RP (GTA) 18 Apr 2024 18 Apr 2024 1hr 23mins
Aftermath RP (GTA) 29 Jun 2022 29 Jun 2022 59mins
Echo RP (GTA) 11 Mar 2023 11 Mar 2023 55mins
Ascend RP (GTA) 12 Mar 2023 12 Mar 2023 44mins
Misfits RP (GTA) 22 Apr 2023 22 Apr 2023 10mins
Last 10 Tracked Streams
The 90s RP (GTA)
14 Sep Angelo is visiting the 90s | The 90s RP | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
The 90s RP (GTA)
13 Aug Whats next for Ang?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
11 Aug Whats next for Ang?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
9 Aug Whats next for Ang?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
8 Aug Angelo is feeling better?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
8 Aug Whos getting whacked tonight?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
5 Aug Whos getting whacked tonight?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
4 Aug Whats Angelo doing tonight?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
3 Aug Whats Angelo doing tonight?| Angelo "Ang" Gaggi | Berdino Crew | The 90s Roleplay | Mafia RP | !discord !tiktok
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